Quick reference for a dotnet .gitignore file that prevents checking in the miscellaneous files that are generated as build artifacts alongside a dotnet project.

From the W3C specification, A simple cross-origin request has been defined as congruent with those which may be generated by currently deployed user agents that do not conform to this specification. Simple cross-origin requests generated outside this specification (such as cross-origin form submissions using GET or POST or cross-origin GET requests resulting from script elements) typically includeuser credentials, so resources conforming to this specification must always be prepared to expect…
Updated July 1, 2018 With the release of dotnet core 2.1.3, they have built in the following dotnet tools. Watch is one of them. So to get started just create a project or upgrade a project to 2.1.3 and then simply add a ‘watch’ after your dotnet app and before the command. dotnet watch run nodemon is used in NodeJS…