Entity Framework (EF) is a Microsoft .NET ORM (Object Relational Mapping) framework for connecting to databases and abstracting away the necessary raw SQL from interacting with entities. It makes it way more efficient to have engineers focus on the logic of the application, rather than the syntax of the queries. Forget SQL Injection attacks as EF will automatically turn variables…

Here’s a few tricks to help keep your Mac running on tip top condition and cleanup bloated or cached files. The Homebrew ecosystem helps Mac users download apps and packages. Homebrew – the missing package manager for Mac. To install Homebrew, run the following script below. /usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)” Then you can run a formula to download and…
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Generation (NLG), Neural Networks and Deep Learning (DL); these acronyms all fall under the AI umbrella of making machines smarter. This could be as tech rudimentary as offering spelling and grammar checking to complex solutions such as autonomous driving vehicles. Artificial Intelligence – making machines smarter Over the…
Quick blog post on how to extract text from an image, pdf, word doc, excel spreadsheet and more using Python and the textract library. If you haven’t already, jump into the various other blog posts on Python on the blog here to get a better understanding of the language. For this solution, let’s start by creating a new directory and…
There’s one special comment called a ‘shebang’ that python scripts can start #! /usr/bin/env python3 Having this source code allows you execute the python file. First you need to make the file executable with the following chmod +x example.py to allow it to be invoked from command line without having to specify the interpreter to run it. If you have…
Cron is an incredible scheduler that is extremely versatile with a powerful scheduling engine and precise timing capability, but it’s typical run from a server’s root OS or container image. You could package a linux container with the cronjob task and a shell script as shown at the end of this post OR you can build your own python scheduled…
Command line arguments are the string of data and flags that are passed into a python script for execution to change behavior. You leverage the built-in sys module to get access to the sys.argv list. python example.py my name is david Number of arguments: 5 Argument List: [‘example.py’, ‘my’, ‘name’, ‘is’, ‘david’] The built-in getopt module can help parse command…
If you build an API or python job/project that you want to have dockerized, you’ve landed on the right blog post. Start by following the post from earlier on how to create a virtual environment to ensure you are only including the right dependencies for your project and you’ll create an outputted requirements.txt file. Add a “Dockerfile” to your project…
A virtual environment in Python allows you to setup a folder for dependencies that could be used among a few projects (i.e. data science projects that need base conda libraries) or isolated per project to ensure no conflicts. This prevents conflicting having a project that needs library v1.0 and another project needing v2.0. To create a new virtual environment, invoke…
Since Angular 13, it’s super easy to change styling support from .css standard files to modern .scss files. If you need to know more about sass/scss files and the benefits they enable, follow this link: https://sass-lang.com/ You could say they are syntactically awesome styles! The script above will kickoff an Angular CLI command to update your css or scss to…