First start by updating the package library and installing a few packages on the PI by entering the terminal and running the following commands.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y chromium-browser unclutter x11-xserver-utils

The chromium-browser package may have been installed by default, but it is essentially the latest development branch of the popular Chrome browser. Next, the unclutter library will allow you to hide the cursor when the screen launches, and the x11-xserver-utils will allow you to stop the screen saver (also know as screen blanking or clearing).

Next update the start config for the PI by adding a few auto start commands.  You do this by editing the autostart file.

sudo nano .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

Add the following commands at the top of that file to enable the chromium kiosk and set the launch url, unclutter for hiding the mouse, and xset for stopping the timer for screen blanking.

@/usr/bin/chromium-browser --incognito --start-maximized --kiosk
@xset s off
@xset s noblank
@xset -dpms

Finally, restart the PI and you should see the updated chromium browser starts up automatically on launch.

sudo reboot