While listening to ‘The One Minute Entrepreneur‘, the author advises the protagonist in the fable to write down his one-minute insights. I went through the book and captured those insights and thought I should write them here for future reference. Associate with people you admire and can learn from. Keep a notebook of the wisdom you read, hear and learn…

If you stare at code all day, you want it to be in an elegant IDE with quick shortcuts and a clean theme. Here’s a few fonts that engineers have found to be pleasing on the eye for the long stints. Well, it probably was a UX/UI team member that found the font. Download the repository / zip from the…

I was watching a pluralsight video the other day and something caught my eye. I’m always looking for tips, tricks and what apps the engineers are using, but in this video one of the engineers had the American flag in this top toolbar on his Mac. A few searches on google lead me to believe this wasn’t clearly as easy…

According to ‘The One Minute Entrepreneur‘, here’s the top 20 attributes that are exhibited in their book and must haves for successful entrepreneurs. Resourcefulness Purposeful Focused Risk-taking Problem Solving Salesmanship Oriented Visionary Optimistic Leadership Oriented Ambitious Innovative Integrity based Adaptable Communicative Self-motivated Strategic Team Oriented Determined Curious Balanced I went through the list and picked out a few that I thought…

After reading the, ‘How to Talk to Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere’ by Chris Widener, I thought it proper to drop the insights on my blog for future reference and visitor reflection. Don’t Be Interesting, Be Interested It’s not about how interesting you are to the client, colleague, or stranger. Ask questions and be genuinely interested in their lives, hobbies, and families….

On many new blog and news sites, sorry not my blog, they have a ‘how long does this article take to read’ feature. This recently came up on an internal experiment and thought it would be fun to share the results. From readingsoft.com If top readers read at speeds of above 1000 words per minute (wpm) with near 85% comprehension,…

If you’re behind a corporate firewall or simply at home behind a router, the IP address coming into the environment will hit the main switch and issue DHCP IP Addresses for the machines (PCs, Laptops, Tablets, Phones, etc) within the network. So, if you try to request your address with the port for your application, it will get lost at…
For quick reference, you may need to create a policy for an AWS IAM user to only access one specific bucket, ‘BUCKET_NAME_HERE‘. { “Version”: “2012-10-17”, “Statement”: [ { “Effect”: “Allow”, “Action”: [ “s3:ListBucket” ], “Resource”: [ “arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME_HERE” ] }, { “Effect”: “Allow”, “Action”: [ “s3:PutObject”, “s3:GetObject”, “s3:DeleteObject” ], “Resource”: [ “arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME_HERE/*” ] } ] }

It’s awkward to find out that the the string.replace(targetString, replaceWith) function in JavaScript doesn’t act like it does in most other modern programming languages. JavaScript will only find the first instance of the target string and replace it. It will not continue to find other instances of the targeted string and replace it. Java/.Net/etc. will search for all occurrences of…